Spares for L-29

The type is generally withdrawn from service for about 15 years, yet all the spare parts are still available, most in 0-timed condition:

- Barometric fuel regulator LUN 6710.05
- High pressure fuel pumps LUN 6201.04
- Fuel transfer pumps PCR-1V, hydraulic pumps
- Fuel release valve LUN 7341, hydraulic release valve LUN 7580
- Elevator electric motors
- Seat electric sockets
- All cabin instruments
- Fuel control unit spares
- Fuel bladders
- All actuators: gear (main LUN 7132, nose LUN 7131), gear doors (main LUN 7102), flaps (LUN7072), air brakes (LUN 7073)
- Gear assemblies and parts: brakes, disks, struts, microswitches
- Differential, brake valves PU-7, PU-8
- Flexible pipes, newly manufactured
- Spark plugs
- All filters: low pressure fuel filters, hydraulic filters FG-11, oil
- Tires
- Lights, bulbs
- Canopies, seals, jettison cylinders
- Ejection seat and extinguisher cartridges
- Russian G –suits
- Russian oxygen masks
- Russian helmets ZSh-7
- Factory standard spare part kits (ZIP’s): airframe, engine
- Maintenance equipment: fuel, hydraulic liquid drains, pressurization, Pitot testers, rod for disassembly of the rear canopy, gear strut charger, manometers for the fuel pressure behind the pump, for the pressure in the drop tanks, in hydraulic tank, engine shaft rotating rod, etc.
- Ground equipment, a full set including jacks, clamps, cradles, props, blanks, tow bars
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